Frost Nixon Interview Audio
David Frost, a popular British TV personality, managed to snag Nixon for a series of interviews after his resignation from the presidency because of the Watergate scandal. Hear the most compelling political interview in history which was aired on television on May 19, 1977.
by Penny Modesto - 8 tracks
The Million Dollars In Cash Issue
Why Didnt You Stop It
And the whole thing wouldve gone away
I gave them a sword, and they stuck it in
There was no cover up of any criminal activities
White House Chief of Staff, HR Haldeman
Sir David Frost on Richard Nixon
David Frost talks about the movie
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David Frost, a popular British TV personality, managed to snag Nixon for a series of interviews after his resignation from the presidency because of the Watergate scandal. Hear the most compelling political interview in history which was aired on television on May 19, 1977.
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