Old Bucharest Music Soundboard
Bucharest is one of the big cities of Europe who still has in big part the atmosphere of the end of XIX century and the middle of XX century when Romania turned into an european country with high level of culture.It was called "The little Paris"
by Emanuel Enea - 11 tracks
Bucuresti Bucuresti - Gica Petrescu
Fetitele Din Bucuresti
Zaraza - Cristian Vasile
Petre Alexandru - Ionel, Ionelule
Ti-am cantat o serenada
Mana, birjar
Dorel Livianu - Ce faci asta seara tu
Vrei sa ne-ntalnim sambata seara
Cristian Vasile - iubesc femeia
Titi Botez - trurli, trurli
Cristian Vasile - Be bolta cand apare luna
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Boards form Emanuel Enea
Bucharest is one of the big cities of Europe who still has in big part the atmosphere of the end of XIX century and the middle of XX century when Romania turned into an european country with high level of culture.It was called "The little Paris"
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