Oprah Winfrey Soundboard
Oprah does it all, Talk show host of her own "The Oprah Winfrey Show," the highest rated talk show in tv history. She's also a patron of charities, influential book critic, an Academy Award - nominated actress, and a magazine publisher.
by Brett Molstad - 11 tracks
Oprah School In Africa Pt1
Oprah School In Africa Pt2
With The Stars In S. Africa
Thank You, Oprah!
Oprah Inspiration
Tom Cruise & Oprah Hullabaloo
Oprah Mad At Tom Cruise Parody
Groundbreaking Oprah Pt1
Groundbreaking Oprah Pt2
Groundbreaking Oprah Pt3
Oprah On Desperate House wives!!

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Boards form Brett Molstad
Oprah does it all, Talk show host of her own "The Oprah Winfrey Show," the highest rated talk show in tv history. She's also a patron of charities, influential book critic, an Academy Award - nominated actress, and a magazine publisher.
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