by Penny Modesto - 28 tracks
Really Grouchy
Teach me to say please
Definitely Over
Don't want that baby
Get Back
Gonna waste my time
Have a great time
I guess it's okay
If you can't beat them join them
I've created a monster!
Just pipe down
Leave Me Alone
No more trying
No Way
Oh goodie
Press your luck
So take a hike!
That's Right
Wake me up
What took ya so long!
What you want!
Won't be so bad
Working On It
You can do it
You take over

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Boards form Penny Modesto
Oscar the Grouch, the puppet who loves trash so much that he lives in a garbage can. He enjoys eating Sardine and spinach sundaes Pickle juice. Take heed to some of his dialogues, this would probably sum up his personality.
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