by Patrick Gillette - 33 tracks
Contrite - Anything can cause a wipe here
Contrite - Contrite needs an innervate
Contrite - Damnit
Contrite - Hit it now
Contrite - Stupid thing
Matron - Abyss ready
Matron - Ari there
Matron - Cinagro and Martos there
Matron - Flask up
Matron - Flask up2
Matron - Ready check real quick
Matron - Here we go
Matron - Here we go2
Matron - Innervate Matron
Matron - Ready checking
Matron - Risna there
Matron - We're Done
Matron - Yes please
Melanova - Ooohhh.. Kaio's dead
Melanova - Ahhh... it's going back up
Melanova - Giggles
Melanova - Go Figure
Melanova - I completely agree
Melanova - That's the way we roll
Melanova - Woooh... what happened
Neifirst - Cocaine
Neifirst - Smoke
Nikoleta - It's on cooldown
Risna - Gnomes are the real dps
Risna - Real DPS check
Risna - Gnomes are the real dps
Tarja - I was afk the whole time
Tarja - Mel might beat me on dps

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