by Jason Booth - 21 tracks Full Board $4.99
Golden capped parakeet
Golden Parakeet
Golden-plumed Parakeet
Golden-winged Parakeet
Green Cheeked Parakeet
Grey Breasted Parakeet
Grey Hooded Parakeet
Grey-cheeked parakeet
Grey-headed parakeet
Horned Parakeet
Jandaya Parakeet
Long-Tail Parakeet
Malabar Parakeet
Maroon Bellied Parakeet
Maroon-tailed Parakeet
Mauritius Parakeet
Mitred Parakeet
Monk Parakeet
Mountain Parakeet
Orange chinned Parakeet
Orange fronted Parakeet
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Boards form Jason Booth
A Parakeet is any one of a large number of unrelated small to medium sized species of parrot, that generally have long tail feathers. Listen to the songs and calls of 21 different species of parakeets here.
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