The Passion Of Christ audio
This film was co-written co produced and directed by Mel Gibson. It depicts the last 12 hours of Jesus Christ. It details his arrest, trial, and crucifixion. Audio clips here are in the ancient langauge of Aramaic unless othewise noted with a *.
by Jason Booth - 26 tracks
1 man cant take the burden of all sin - Lucifer
Pray - Jesus
Crucify him - crowd chants *
Take him away - Soldier *
My God why have you forsaken me - Jesus
Father take my spirit (dying) - Jesus
Jesus' last dying breath
Musical score sample
Those who live by the sword die by the sword - Jes
Shelter me O lord - Jesus
Hail Rabbi - Jesus
He Prays for you - crucified man *
I am your servant Father - Jesus
Jesus gasping near the end
Dragged to crucifixion in blood - music
No 1 can bear all there souls - Lucifer
No - Lucifer
Never - Lucifer
Drops and falls with cross
Judas - Jesus
Judas retrieves the coins
Judas you betray the son of man with a kiss- Jesus
Judas is haunted with guilt - music
Crowd taunting the crucified
Were Looking for Jesus of Nazareth
I am he - Jesus

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Boards form Jason Booth
This film was co-written co produced and directed by Mel Gibson. It depicts the last 12 hours of Jesus Christ. It details his arrest, trial, and crucifixion. Audio clips here are in the ancient langauge of Aramaic unless othewise noted with a *.
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