Pikachu Soundboard
Pikachu is widely considered the most popular Pokémon, largely because a Pikachu is a central character in the Pokémon anime series. Pikachu are small, mouse-like Pokémon that have short, yellow fur with brown markings covering their backs and parts of their tails.
by Penny Modesto - 10 tracks
Pika, Pika-pika, Pikachuu
Pikachu Echo
Pikachu Sound Effect
Pika Thunder
Pika Scream
Pika Pika Tired
Pika Pika Happy

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Boards form Penny Modesto
Pikachu is widely considered the most popular Pokémon, largely because a Pikachu is a central character in the Pokémon anime series. Pikachu are small, mouse-like Pokémon that have short, yellow fur with brown markings covering their backs and parts of their tails.
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