by Michael Kennedy - 51 tracks Full Board $4.99
Shoop Da Whoop - Imma Firin MA Lazar!
Shoop Da Whoop - Lazar!
Dr. Robotnik - Pingas!
Dr. Robotnik - Crud N Sludge
Bowser Laugh!
Mario - No...
Luigi - Hope She Made Lotsa Spaghetti!
Luigi - (Bleep) You!
Luigi - (Beep) You and Spaghetti!
Luigi - Spaghetti!
Luigi - Mama Luigi!
Mario - Instruction Book
Morshu - BOMBS!
Morshu - Mmmmmmm!
Random Baker - My Cakes will Burn!
Link - Sure is Boring around here.
Link - Fuck
Link - Oh Boy!
The King - Mah Boi
The King - Mah Boi (Full)
The King - Scrub all the Floors in Hyrule
The King - I wonder whats for Dinner
The King - Dinner
(King and Zelda Laugh)
Ganon - Join Me Link!
Ganon - Die!
Volvic - Have you for Breakfast
Volvic - Breakfast!
WoW Nerd - 4 Strength 4sten
WoW Nerd - AHH!
WoW Nerd Full
WoW Level 18
WoW Nerd Remix
Vageta - Dun Dun.
Vageta - Over 9000!
Vageta - Over 9000! + WTF Boom.
Vageta Over 9000 (ext)
Duke Nukem - Bubble Gum
Duke Nukem - Balls X8
Duke Nukem - Steel
Duke Nukem - Face-, Ass-, Whats the Difference
Duke Nukem - Eat Shit and Die!
Duke Nukem - Bubble Gum
Duke Nukem - Balls of Steel
Duke Nukem - Blow it out your Ass
Mortal Combat - Headshot
Mortal Combat - Double Kill
Mortal Kombat - Ultra Kill!
Mortal Kombat - Monster Kill!
The Most Annoying Sound In The World

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Boards form Michael Kennedy
A soundboard containing famous phrases from: The King, Dr. Robotnik, The WoW Nerds, Shoop Da Whoop and Many others. Enjoy! :)
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