by Nathan Cyr - 459 tracks
You are pukes
Who said that?
I will unscrew your head
Suck a golfball
Reach around
Lowest form of life
Are you nervous
About to call me an asshole
Did your parents have any children that live
Do you suck dicks
Don't fuck with me again
I got your name
I will gouge out your eyeballs
I'm a mormon
Mother f----r
Not going back
Ain't talking way out
One of us made error
Call an ambulance
Shut up fool
Crazy fool
pity my self
Your trademark is
yah cant paint nuthin
I like gas
Kill those suckas
Plan comes togetha
real indian
Up my ass
I turn cities into salt
Do you know who I am?
Walken reads 'Goodnight Moon' (Simpsons)
I mean Kansas
Hungry eyes
I pranked him to death
losers always whine
We're all stocked up
Trained to kill me
You can't handle...
Irrepairable harm
Come out, come out
Heeeerrrrees Johnny
Mr. Head
I don't recommend that
I promise you I did
I'm a psyhco
You remember me
Baddest Motherf**ker
I'm Rick James
Worst nightmare
Closer -God Father 2
You die - Carlito's Way
Sick of your bullshit
Hey, hey, hey, hey
It's not right
Stop your whining
Cry - A League of Their Own
Bored - Face Off
Didn't love you - Face Off
Bunny - Con Air
Trust - Con Air
Declaration of Independence - National Treasure
Get out - Adaptation.
Max towels off (Mad Max)
Ready for a war!!!!!!!!!
Is it Possible? (Signs)
Get to kill the English
Well Hello!
Might i have your first name?
Do you know who I am?
Col.Nathan R. Jessep (short)
My name is Warren R Schmidt and I'm your new fo
Everybody works for me!
When you hear what happed
I'm going to need you to listen
I'm going to need you to listen#2
'm going to need you to listen#4
I'm going to need you to listen#5
Sarcasim is anger's ungly cosin
I'm a pretty good guy
Short laugh
Watch your mouth!
I Beg Your Pardon!
Are we clear#1
You have to ask me nice#2
Don't i feel like the f@#kin asshole!
What i do want!
My answer is!
i'm a fair guy!
You snotty little bastard!
Did you ever serve#1
Son we live in a world
You will address me as col. or sir
were not going to have problems are we?
Do you really want the love of your Life?
Do you got a girl friend?
I'm sorry i was so rude before
Are you a homofobe?
Do you know John lennon?
When I tell you to dump a body
When I tell you to dump a body#3
Lets take a walk on the wild side
Jibber Jabber
What is your posion on breast implants?
i'm going to kill you
I'm going to rip the eyes out of your head!
What do you want to discuss now?
What the hell is this?
You f@#ked with the wrong marine
indian sounds
fight a fuck too much
you sly son of a bitch
Giggling laughing
I'm a friend of your daughter's
you know what i mean
we hav'nt have sex yet have we?
Just your tits
I saw her naked last night
I never saw a women that age naked before
I'm Batman- Batman Begins
I know Kung Fu
Who's ur daddy
I am bad
Counter strike
Ah shit
Ain't no damn way
Beat you with my gun
Fat man
Feel awful
Hell yea
Let's do it
Need some help
She's dead
This sucks
its a me mario
can I sing a song for you
have you seen luigi
hee hee hee hee
hey whered everybody go
Hello, friend.
Marry that thing
Raw Suage
Shoes for orphans
Still alive
That was great
Who's gonna make the cake when I'm gone?
You Will Be Baked
Android hell
useful advice
You Must Construct Additional Pylons
My Life For Aiur
I Long For Combat
Thus I Serve
Carrier Has Arrived
Adun Toridas
I Have Returned
Ji Haus
Make Use of Me
You Have Not Enough Minerals
You Require More Vespene Gas
You Think As I Do
Doesn't take a telepath
This is Jimmy
Rock n roll
Additional depot
Agression inhibitors
Call the shot
Fire it up
Get off
Go go go
Good smoke
Got my attention
Is something burning
Let's move
Love the smell of napalm
Lt Kerrigan reporting
Need light
Never know what hit them
Not enough minerals
Not enough energy
Nuclear launched detected
Propane accesories
Smokin crater
Something to shoot
Brushing Teeth
Crack dealer
Hang on baby Jesus
Help me Oprah Winfrey
Jackhawk 9000 Knife
Tongue (End of Days)
Hasta La Vista
its all part of the plan
Joker's laugh
lets put a smile
I like that
Why so serious
The power of the dark side
I am your father
Chewbacca roar
I got a bad feeling about this
Strong with the force
Darth Vader breathing
Jigsaw's puppet laugh
Want to play
Cobb - Willie (Lou Myers)
A Fish Called Wanda - Otto West
The Ref - Gus (Dennis Leary)
The Rock - John Patrick Mason
This Boy's Life - Dwight Hansen
TollBooth Willy (Adam Sandler)
This is Sparta !
What is your Profession !
Sharing Culture
Its over when I say its over
Join us
Boy Lovers
Ive chosen my words carefully
Spartans Never Retreat
Spartans prepare for glory!
Thats a Problem
Thats an easy choice
Slavery and Death
This is where they die
Godzilla Roar - 1970s
Run its Godzilla!
Godzilla Roar - 1960s
Big and Terrible - Raymond Burr
Gozilla Cartoon Theme
Ghidrah screaming
I have you now
Treated unfairly
No Disintigration
Last time
Lack of faith
Join us
Don't fail me again
As you wish
Warn you
Music when Jason is about to attack
Kill her Mommy
Death Curse
Sit on it Tonto
I Don't Remember Asking You
Yeah Baby !
Oh Behave!
Very Randy
That's Not my Bag!
Do I make you Horney?
International Man of Mystery
Autobots- Movie
Easy, Ironhide- Movie
Freedom- Movie
One shall stand, one shall fall- Movie
Roll out!- Movie
Gone With the Wind (1939) - I don't give a damn
The Godfather (1972) - Offer
The Wizard of Oz (1939) - We're not in Kansas anymore
Sudden Impact (1983) - Make my day
Star Wars (1977) - The force will be with you always
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) - E.T. phone home
Dr. No (1962) - James Bond
Jaws (1977) - Bigger Boat
The Terminator (1984) - I'll be back
Forrest Gump (1994) - Like a box of chocolates
The Sixth Sense (1999) - I see dead people
Gentlemen! Let's broaden our minds
Get a load of me
Mightier than the sword
This town needs an enema
Riddle me this
Shouldn't live here
The big black bat
Thank you for playing
You are fired
Lets put a smile - The Dark Knight
People are dying - The Dark Knight
Oh bugger
The rum
Oi! No, no!
Captain for two years
Guard the boat
Hello, beastie
I'll handle this
Jar of dirt
Not good
Drawring of a key
Easy on the goods darling
Im Captain Jack Sabby
The day you Almost caught
Your not making any sense
Motherf*ckin' Snakes - Samuel
Im Agent Neville FBI - Samuel
My Job - Samuel
Smart Kid - Samuel
No respect
Are you a Peter puffer
I didn't know they stacked shit that
Hell I like you
Do you think I'm funny
Unscrew your head
What's your name fat buddy
I admire your honesty
You don't scare me
Well thank you very much
It looks to me brown stain
Duke Nukem - Balls of Steel
Duke Nukem - Blow It Out Your Ass
Duke Nukem - Rip Off Your Head
Duke Nukem - Time To Kick Ass
Duke Nukem - Your Face...Your Ass
Duke Nukem - Come Get Some
Ash - Boomstick
Ash - She Bitch
Jay - Bitches
Jay - The Rap
Jay - In the Hiz-ills
Your gonna to love my nuts
Life is hard enough as it is, you don't need to cry anymore
Were gonna make america skinny agian, one slap at a time
Your gonna have an exciting life
Stop having a boring life
Mother Fucker - Joe Pesci
Idiotic - Josh Mostel
Fuck Ball - Harvey Keitel
Hi it's Vince
Hey Barkeep - Brian
Giggity Giggity Giggity
I do not speak English
cletus the slack jawed yokel
60 watt lightbulb
Homer no function
Desperate for beer
The Metric System
If elected mayor
I was wrestling wolves
Put a stop to it
Water it down some more
Har ye, Har ye...
Diddily do you for?
Bitch on ice
You cannot hurt the Twinkie
Die with dignity
Pish Posh
Lionel Hutz
Lionel Hutz 2
TM - Dinner
TM - Larry Leadfoot
TM - Metric system
Wasn't that great, kids?
What the hell...
I didn't do it
sitting on pie
Creamy hamstrings
Help me in the tub
I know what boys like
Lil piggy son of a bitch
Nice throwing arm
Slap you in your penis
Spread that butter
Theres Bad
You killed it
If you were a horse
Wow that was terrible
You give me a headache
Giggidi Giggidi Giggidi
Bench press
Fifty box
Girly magazines
Heard that before
Hit the bar
How good are you?
Neat idea
No problem
Parking ticket
Some shopping
What love means
What's wrong with you
Customer comes first
Chinese or Japanese
Big deal
Emotional scenes
Hate a man
Kick his ass
Project my anger
Shut up
Still talking
Strickland can do
Chinging noise
Is that you
Who is that
Know what a hammer is
I want a hammer
Not good at what you do
Im better
even better
All Wrong
Crazy Galloot
Transforming sound
Bad comedy
It's over, Prime
Ride in style

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