by Penny Modesto - 32 tracks
Beeping and whistling
R2 beeping like an alarm
R2 screaming
R2 taking to himself
R2 taking the comlink
R2 sounding sassy
R2 beeping happily
R2 beeping more
Another beep
More chatter
R2 beeping
R2 beeping 2
R2 beeping 3
R2 beeping 4
R2 beeping 5
Playful R2D2
Laughing R2D2
Snappy R2D2
Processing R2D2
Sad R2D2
Eureka R2D2
Cheerful R2D2
Unsure R2D2
Very Excited R2D2
Excited R2D2
Surprised R2D2
Concerned R2D2
Determined R2D2
Look R2D2
Shocked R2D2
Proud R2D2
Unbelievable R2D2
Boards form Penny Modesto
R2-D2 (Artoo Detoo) is a quick-witted astromech droid, who helped save countless lives with his mechanical skills and computer know-how. Artoo was crucial in saving Princess Leia and Han Solo from the evil Jabba the Hutt.
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no8 • 1 year ago -
ReplyJoe • 5 years ago -
This is so great to use when trolling the telemarketers that call.
Replybenleonheart • 5 years ago -
Thanks! I always return to this soundboard for muh android device notifications! THANKS!
ReplyAlex Cordero • 6 years ago -
The best sound is missing! The cute "ultra sad" sound he made after being shocked by the Jawas and before falling flat on his face. :(
ReplyAlejo LQ • 6 years ago -
Gracias por este material, love that! Thanks :)
ReplyMike Avelar • 6 years ago -