Armed Forces Radio Vietnam Bloopers
American Forces Vietnam Network was created as a morale-boosting military radio station for servicemen and women in Vietnam. AFVN broadcast 24 hours a day, seven days a week for over 10 years, it began broadcasting on August 15, 1962 and ended in March of 1973. Here are some of the Radio Vietnam Bloopers.
by Penny Modesto - 16 tracks
Barked Attack Aircraft
Capsule Countdown
Channell 11 sign-off
Clap Slap
Cross At The Locomotive Thingy
Dawn Busted
Deja Vue All Over Again
Enough a what
How's Your VD Lately
Joey Bishop & A Little Grass
Joey Bishop On Pat Sajak
Operation Star Search
Simul Watt
The Sound Of Everything
There Were They
Truth In Reporting

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Boards form Penny Modesto
American Forces Vietnam Network was created as a morale-boosting military radio station for servicemen and women in Vietnam. AFVN broadcast 24 hours a day, seven days a week for over 10 years, it began broadcasting on August 15, 1962 and ended in March of 1973. Here are some of the Radio Vietnam Bloopers.
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