Richard Nixon - speeches & audio
Richard M. Nixon was the 37th President of the United States: 1969-1974. Watergate was indeed the scandal that finally destroyed him but public unrest with the war in Vietnam as well as other abuses of power contributed to the end of "Tricky Dick."
by Jason Booth - 10 tracks Full Board $4.99
Checkers the Dog
1971 State of the Union Address
After Losing Calif. Governor Election
U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam
Watergate Investigation
I Am Not a Crook
During Watergate- Insults Reporters
Excerpt from Watergate Tapes
Denies resignation rumors
Resignation - a result of watergate

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Richard M. Nixon was the 37th President of the United States: 1969-1974. Watergate was indeed the scandal that finally destroyed him but public unrest with the war in Vietnam as well as other abuses of power contributed to the end of "Tricky Dick."
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