by Jason Booth - 24 tracks
I'm Cute - Rudolph
Original TV ad for the show
Jingle Bells - Santa
Mush - Yukon Cornelius
I'm Home - Rudolph
Rudolph song - Burl Ives
Reindeer Games - Comet
Dentist - Elf Manager
Couple of Misfits - song
This is my land - Yukon Cornelious
No Child - Charlie-in-the-box
Chewingdolls - Elf Manager
Crazy Song - Santa
Papa Mama - Baby Rudolph
Fallout for Elf Practice - Elf Manager
Fit In - Herme and Elf Manager
Misfit toys - Charlie-in-the-box.
Great Dentist - Rudolph
Skinny Santa - Mrs Santa
It's a deal - Rudolph
Truly happy - King Moonraiser
Wont hurt - Hermie
We'll call him Rudolph - Parents
I'm Independant - Rudolph

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Boards form Jason Booth
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer debuted on NBC in 1964, when Rankin/Bass produced a stop motion animated TV special that became a popular hit then and a cult classic now. Listen to audio clips and songs from the classic.
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