by Jason Booth - 38 tracks
Any advice on the High Heels
Do you feel cheated
You offered me a big
I believe you flirted
Stay out of my closet
Clay Aiken is not going to lick my sack
Becuase you love me
I take the morning train
Its painful
Cut the Shit
Mines Huge
Now im sweating
When you have a baby
Now your out of control
Your ego is out of control
Alot less gay
Dont call me sweetheart
F-ck my Sack
I picked up Angus from Pilates
Hes the one to see
Hey Clay
I have an idea
Your 1 old man
My Baby
I know that your upset
If you want that perfect tan
Gonna get hypnotized
Made me fell like a natural woman
These are songs to make out to
This tour is going to be the best
Were friends
Who are you wearing
You believe youve created everything
You want the credit you get the blame
Your more embarrased than Clay is
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Boards form Jason Booth
Short audio clips of Ryan Seacrest here perfect for calls. The host of American Idol asserts himself, gets catty, sings, does gay jokes and more in these sounds. Adult Language.
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