by Kevin Roy - 50 tracks
Siren Alert 2
Roger Roger
Sand People
Carbonite Freezer
Its them
Battle alarm
Blast door
Chewbacca roar
Com chatter
Deactivating the tractor beam
Falcon flyby 1
Falcon flyby 2
Falcon flyby 3
Falcon landing
Hyperdrive trouble
Jump to lightspeed
Landspeeder accelerate
Landspeeder approach
Landspeeder decelerate
Quadlaser turret fire
Sail barge
Speeder bike flyby
Speeder bike startup
Speeder bike whoop
Stormtroopers on the move
Superlaser fire sequence
TIE fighter explode
TIE fighter fire 1
TIE fighter fire 2
TIE fighter fire 3
TIE fighter flyby 1
TIE fighter flyby 2
TIE fighter flyby 3
TIE fighter flyby 4
TIE fighter flyby 5
TIE fighter flyby 6
Trash compactor 2
XWing explode
XWing fire 2
XWing fire 3
XWing fire
XWing flyby 1
XWing flyby 2
XWing flyby 3
XWing flyby 4
XWing flyby 5
XWing flyby 6

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