Samuel L. Jackson - Black Snake Moan
Samuel L. Jackson is Lazarus Redd in the movie Black Snake Moan (2006), an overly religious and angry man who is recovering from terrible emotional pain after his wife left him for his younger brother. He operates his farm by his lonesome and has given up playing his guitar and his beloved blues music due to his emotional struggling. Adult Language
by Eve Dy - 35 tracks
Put the fear
Put you in my path
Holla all you want
Collar that dog
Like it rough
Lazarus Redd
Name Lazarus
Ain't right
Bad cough
God put his mark
Can do and say
Cure you
Dare you
Don't mess with that stuff
Don't wanna mess
Dunno what to do
Get yo ass back in my house
Gonna suffer you
Hurt your back
Know a girl
Let them do that
No trouble
Say it again
Say you love me
Say you love me nigga
She can't
Slew him
Treat you like that
Oh umm
What you come here
What you mean
Would ya now
Blues Song
Right or wrong
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Boards form Eve Dy
Samuel L. Jackson is Lazarus Redd in the movie Black Snake Moan (2006), an overly religious and angry man who is recovering from terrible emotional pain after his wife left him for his younger brother. He operates his farm by his lonesome and has given up playing his guitar and his beloved blues music due to his emotional struggling. Adult Language
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