Scariest EVP Ghost recordings

Whatever it is that causes these voice imprints onto electronic media, be they ghosts, spirits, aliens, the fact is that EVP's are real and that continued research and experimentation will eventually determine all the "How" of the occurrences in scientific facts.

Category: Animals/Nature   Tracks: 12   Views: 25876  

by Penny Modesto - 12 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Villisca Axe Murder House
About time, help me
Caleb loved me
Evp of a child at Glen Haven Cemetery
Get out?
Get out of my house
Hold me
They call me Gritch
I love you
Someone breathes into the recorder
What the hell
Boards form Penny Modesto
Penny Modesto

Whatever it is that causes these voice imprints onto electronic media, be they ghosts, spirits, aliens, the fact is that EVP's are real and that continued research and experimentation will eventually determine all the "How" of the occurrences in scientific facts.

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