Seals & Sea Lions audio
Seals may be popular at zoos and aquariums performing tricks, but many arctic seals are in trouble. Canada had a commercial hunt quota of 335,000 in 2006 and exceded that. Listen to the expressive almost human quality of seal voices here.
by Yigit Kose - 10 tracks Full Board $4.99
California Sea Lion
Seal Call
Harp Seals
Elephant seal bellowing
Sea Lion
Female Seal
Sea Lion Call
Sea Lion Colony
Weddell Seal

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Boards form Yigit Kose
Seals may be popular at zoos and aquariums performing tricks, but many arctic seals are in trouble. Canada had a commercial hunt quota of 335,000 in 2006 and exceded that. Listen to the expressive almost human quality of seal voices here.
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