by Eric Salmons - 75 tracks
It Was A Very Good Beer
Sam & Max - Bones Man...
Reversible Music Irreversible Time
I'm a Snake We're all Full of Sin
The Simpsons - Join the Navy
TMBG - Stare Into the Subliminal
Weird Al Yankovic - Too Much Free Time
LtCG - 7 and 3/4
Carlos Mencia (Punji) - Park Yourself
Jeff Foxworthy - Good Granny
Jeff Foxworthy - Tore Tag
LtCG - Frito Pie
BttF - 2 TVs
Spinal Tap - Amp to 11
Shiny Pinball Bomb
Bttf - Can Bastards do 90?
Bttf - Beer Crash
Bttf - Bet Your Ass it Works
Adam Sandler - Cool Pee Pants
Call the FD
Billy Madison - Crazy Carl
BttF - Damn Soviet Gun
BttF - Damn. Where is that kid? ...
Billy Madison - Delaying the Inevitable
Billy Madison - Don't Put it Out w/ yer Boots
Bttf - Don't Need Roads
Bttf - Do You Know What This Means?
BttF - Heavy
A few words about
Ed Wants a Day Off
Intro and music
Mr. Rogers Impersonation
Pollution joke
A Strange Audience
Talking to a Parrot
Cougar in the car - Reese Bobby
Giant water parks
Bttf - Back with me to Future
Mapax Tampons
Stray Dogs PSA
Fortune Cookie
Homer no function
Desperate for beer
I am not a crackpot
If elected mayor
Put a stop to it
Kilo of Cocaine - Reese Bobby
You cannot hurt the Twinkie
More cowbell!!!
I'm Thinking Arby's Brother!!
Beautiful thing
High Quality H2O
1069er we got whores
Spastic laugh - Beavis
Knock Knock
Ice Ice Baby Parody
I'm kicking my ass
Here it goes:
Sretchy Pants
Pizza! Pizza!
That's a spicy meatball!
Smoker's Cruise
Yo Adrian I did it
Harm our country, our people
Red or blue?
Welcome to the real world
Calling Monster Island
Godzilla Jumping for Joy
I'm a psyhco
Bad fart
George H. Bush Elected -1988
I give you the finger

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Boards form Eric Salmons
This is a soundboard of clips used by the WSCR radio station at the Community College of Allegheny County in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania.
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