
Category: My Music   Tracks: 20   Views: 1532  

by Jesse David Oz - 20 tracks
Sonic - Pengas!
Mario Shows - Magic Ballon
Mario Shows - I Fell For Hours!
Mario Shows - Koopa Football Players
Mario Shows - Or, Is It The Bagel?
Zelda - Not The Pit!
Zelda - Not The Chains!
Zelda - Die!
Zelda - Join Or Die!
Zelda - How About A Kiss?
Zelda - Squadula!
Zelda - Squadula! We Are Off!
Hotel Mario - Pesky Plumbers
Hotel Mario - All Toasters Toast Toast
Zelda - You Dare Bring Light To My Lair!?
This is Sparta !
Kingdom Hearts 2 - Battle Theme
Kingdom Hearts 2 - Passions (long ver.)
Kingdom Hearts 2 - Dearly Beloved