The Simpsons - Barney Gumble
He is the town drunk and Homer Simpson's best friend. His capacity for alcohol is a frequent butt of jokes on the show. Barney was inspired by the cartoon character Barney Rubble from the The Flintstones and by several barflies from other television programs. The character is voiced by Dan Castellaneta.
by Penny Modesto - 12 tracks
I'm a drunk
Guy everybody hates
Barney Gumble's trademark belch
I like it
Join the party
Just talked to my sponsor
Mr Gay Man
My heart just stopped
Smells stinky
Workin' with ya
I'm off to market

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Boards form Penny Modesto
He is the town drunk and Homer Simpson's best friend. His capacity for alcohol is a frequent butt of jokes on the show. Barney was inspired by the cartoon character Barney Rubble from the The Flintstones and by several barflies from other television programs. The character is voiced by Dan Castellaneta.
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