by Beng Dy - 19 tracks
Smokey the Bear with Joanna Cassidy- 1973
If you knew it was me
Only you
America the ugly- 1976
Thanks for the help
Babes in the woods- 1973
Bambi and Thumper- 1977
Because of you- 1979
Burning Drawing- 1972
Classic Animated
From the tv show Angel- 1960
Happy 5oth Smokey- The Greatest Show on Earth
Smokey Bear Only You- 1977
Smokey Bear Prayer- 1963
Smokey Bear psa with a dummy- 1976
Smokey the Bear Rapping
Smokey The Bear REMIX PSA
The bomb- 1969
Three bears- 1975

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Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires... the message of one of America's best-known advertising icons, Smokey Bear. He has been a national symbol of forest fire prevention through his PSA campaigns during the past few years.
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