Snipe bird sounds

The elusive nature of the snipe bird is well-known among hunters. The word sniper evolved from it. An american rite of passage for boys includes hunting snipe with drumming and silly calls regardless of if they are in the forest or not.

Category: Animals/Nature   Tracks: 12   Views: 33024  

by Jason Booth - 12 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Common Snipe song
Great Snipe
Jack Snipe
Japanese Snipe
Lathams Snipe
Rufous-Bellied Seedsnipe
Snipe call
Snipe chirp
Snipe Drums
Snipe vocalization
Two Common Snipes take flight
Wilson's Snipe
Boards form Jason Booth
Jason Booth

The elusive nature of the snipe bird is well-known among hunters. The word sniper evolved from it. An american rite of passage for boys includes hunting snipe with drumming and silly calls regardless of if they are in the forest or not.

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