Soldier's Stories WWI
The experiences of the war led to a collective trauma for all participating countries. The soldiers returning home from World War I suffered greatly from the horrors they had witnessed. Many returning veterans suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder. While disease was the major killer, gas attacks were the greatest fear. Listen here...
by Penny Modesto - 18 tracks
Rat snuggling down under the blanket
I felt restless, excited, eager
Respirator fell to pieces
Decided to join the Liverpool Scottish
Faces of our lads
First Aid Dressing Station
Getting along a trench
He made me laugh
If you don't go away soon, we shall really have to shoot you
I'm a great believer in my star
Man of incalculable worth
Medical Officer had been affected
Night of the ninth
Shall grow not old
Soldiers addressed as Gentlemen
Waiting for zero hour
Worst things we have to endure out here
Take out an officer's patrol of seven men

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Boards form Penny Modesto
The experiences of the war led to a collective trauma for all participating countries. The soldiers returning home from World War I suffered greatly from the horrors they had witnessed. Many returning veterans suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder. While disease was the major killer, gas attacks were the greatest fear. Listen here...
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