by Jack Nunya - 23 tracks
No Country For Old Men
X-Men Origins Wolverine - It tickled
A Knights Tale
The Dark Knight
No Country For Old Men
Southpark-The Coon
True Romance
Terminator 2 - judgement day
Ghost Busters - judgement day
The Terminator - will not stop
Dark City - intro
Feast - hero speech
Frankenstein 1931 - intro
Frankenstein 1931 - the great ray
I Am Legend - cure for cancer
In the Mouth of Madness - go now!
Jason Goes To Hell - special report
The Burbs - going over the fence
The Crow - could bring that soul back
The Crow - aint no coming back

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Some of the greatest movie speeches, voice overs and dialog. May include foul language, funny insults or harsh put downs. Sometimes inspiring but always entertaining.
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