Randy Marsh
Randy is a geologist, making his first appearance in the series while monitoring a seismometer in the episode "Volcano". Aside from briefly taking a job as an associate at a Wal-Mart-like discount store, he has been portrayed as having this profession for the entire duration of the series. He also serves on the city council, specializing in the tow
by Oscar de Kuijer - 16 tracks
Finger pointing
Hey obama
You got nothing on us
Yeah obama
Yeah obama change
What do you wanna do
ups man
Sit down!!
Oh my God
little bit of cancer
I thought this was america
Hot hot hot
Don't panic
Celebrate good Obama C'MON!!
Buffalo soldier
Obama song

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Boards form Oscar de Kuijer
Randy is a geologist, making his first appearance in the series while monitoring a seismometer in the episode "Volcano". Aside from briefly taking a job as an associate at a Wal-Mart-like discount store, he has been portrayed as having this profession for the entire duration of the series. He also serves on the city council, specializing in the tow
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