Spartans History Audio
Spartan boys left home for military boarding school at the age of 7 and were required to serve in the army until age 30. Then they passed into the active reserve, where they stayed until the age of 60. Training was brutal and few survived.
by Brett Molstad - 11 tracks Full Board $4.99
Disfunctional Fraternity
Spartan Heritage
There Presence Made Them Warriors
Military Was Your Life
Hungry All The Time
His Version Of The Story
Gamble Everything
Perfect Story
Cliff Next To The Aegean Sea
Spartans Felt In Platoons
Battle Of Thermopylae

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Boards form Brett Molstad
Spartan boys left home for military boarding school at the age of 7 and were required to serve in the army until age 30. Then they passed into the active reserve, where they stayed until the age of 60. Training was brutal and few survived.
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