by DEREK - 7 tracks

Boards form DEREK
all horror movies nothing but horror
Halloween Music
All wrestling nothing but wrestling entrance themes and sound bites
soundbytes from movies
paranormal activity,taken,ironman,dark knight,jennifers body,jason x,fourth kind,drag me to hell,texas chainsaw massacre,halloween,pumpkinhead,scream,trick r treat,donnie darko,ginger snaps,hell night,lady in white,night of the demons,halloween 3
here are some cool video game music and fx
animaniacs,Batman,beavis & butthead,bewitched,big bang theory,bones,darkwing duck,dinosaurs,friends,family guy,heroes,highlander,home improvement,house md,jetsons,johnny bravo,knight rider,looney tunes,lost in space,married with children,pinky & brain,powder puff girls,red green show,salute your shorts,saturday night live,scrubs,simpsons,south park
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