Ted Haggard Soundboard
Ted Haggard is the disgraced former president of the National Evangelical Association, which represents 30 million evangelical Christians. He resigned as NEA president, where he held sway in Washington and condemned homosexuality, after a man claimed to have had drug-fueled homosexual trysts with him.
by Penny Modesto - 13 tracks
Will be great like me
Homosexual activity
Evangelical sex is the best
Don't be arrogant
Intellectual arrogance
Never had a gay relationship
I know what you did
I wont tell your wife
Welcome to the United States
Babies come out nowhere
Be in a setting where speaker is close to them
How often you have sex
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Boards form Penny Modesto
Ted Haggard is the disgraced former president of the National Evangelical Association, which represents 30 million evangelical Christians. He resigned as NEA president, where he held sway in Washington and condemned homosexuality, after a man claimed to have had drug-fueled homosexual trysts with him.
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