Ted Kennedy audio
We have had a few who possess great political shrewdness and can make the clunky machinery of democratic governance actually work. Edward Moore Ted Kennedy, the 'liberal lion' of the Senate, has died at the age of 77 due to brain tumor. He fought for national health care, union and workers' rights, and many liberal causes during a political career.
by Eve Dy - 22 tracks
Dream shall never die
The dream lives on
1980 Democratic Convention prt 1
1980 Democratic Convention prt 2
2008 DNC
Build the future
Death report prt 1
Death report prt 2
Dream shall never die
I pledge to you
I've lived it
Meet these challenges
New hope
On health care
Osama Obama
Strengthened by family and friendship
Supporting Barack Obama
Ted Kennedy Eulogy for Robert Francis
Ted Kennedy?s fight against apartheid
Ted Kennedy's Eulogy for Jackie
Ted Kennedy on Chappaquiddick
Ted Kennedy - Breast

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We have had a few who possess great political shrewdness and can make the clunky machinery of democratic governance actually work. Edward Moore Ted Kennedy, the 'liberal lion' of the Senate, has died at the age of 77 due to brain tumor. He fought for national health care, union and workers' rights, and many liberal causes during a political career.
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