by Penny Modesto - 31 tracks
Anne Bancroft
John Malkovich
Alanis Morissette
911 Operator
Mort Goldman from Family Guy
Hillary Clinton
Airline Pilot
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Barack Obama
Michael Scott from The Office
Batman Movie
Beavis and Butthead
Jeff the Drunk
Bobby Jindal
Captain Picard
Cyborg voice
Don Adams
Dr. Seuss
George Bush
Halo Sgt. Johnson
James Bond
John Mccain
Kevin Bacon
Lindsay Lohan
Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth
Sgt Hartman
Telephone Operator
Vin Diesel
Thank you very much
Boards form Penny Modesto
Thank you is a lovely phrase for someone to express their gratitude. When someone deserves it make sure you return that special feeling with a well earned "Thank You".
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Fedaygin • 7 years ago -
This is pretty good. Has some missleading clips, but otherwise great.