Thank you Mr. President
Talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh on his show today ran off a string of reasons he's grateful to Obama, culminating with arousing the sleeping, silent majority who are prepared to give his party an unprecedented thrashing at the polls in November.
by penny modesto - 19 tracks
President Obama's remark to Democrat donors
Thank you for for arousing the sleeping, silent majority
Thank you for destroying private health insurance companies
Thank you for driving up the unemployment rate
Thank you for appointing a pervert
Thank you for embracing our enemies
Thank you for exploding the annual deficit
Thank you for helping to destroy housing market
Thank you for ignoring public union pension time bombs
Thank you for insulting and endangering Israel
Thank you for mocking and disrespecting
Thank you for pushing Khalid Sheikh Mohammed trial
Thank you for seizing General Motors and Chrysler
Thank you for telling everybody
Thank you for the generational theft
Thank you for your arrogance
Thank you for your divisiveness
Thank you for your never ending support
Rush Limbaugh Thank you Mr President
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Talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh on his show today ran off a string of reasons he's grateful to Obama, culminating with arousing the sleeping, silent majority who are prepared to give his party an unprecedented thrashing at the polls in November.
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