Thanksgiving Song clips
Thanksgiving Day is the time to enjoy as much as you can. There are very few occasions when the entire family gathers to spend some time together. The Thanksgiving Day is one of those few occasions. Make this day memorable by celebrating it in a musical mood.
by Penny Modesto - 21 tracks
Onward, Ye Peoples
Prayer of Thanksgiving
A Song of Thanksgiving
Thanks Be to God
Armenian Canticle of Thanksgiving
Ballad of Brotherhood
Good Is It to Thank Jehovah
Hymn and Prayer for Peace
God of Our Fathers
Now Thank We All Our God
Let the Mountains Shout for Joy
Two Veterans
O Brother Man
Eternal Father, Strong to Save
The Heavens Resound
Thanks Be to God from Elijah
O Clap Your Hands
All People That on Earth Do Dwell
Pilgrim's Chorus from Tannhausser
Song of Thanks from Carmelita

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Thanksgiving Day is the time to enjoy as much as you can. There are very few occasions when the entire family gathers to spend some time together. The Thanksgiving Day is one of those few occasions. Make this day memorable by celebrating it in a musical mood.
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