by Drayton Hogarth - 236 tracks
JV and Elvis asian bit
Crowd Laughing
Crowd Cheer
Crowd laughing
Elmer Fudd
Access denied
20th Century Fox
MGM Roaring Lion
Say what again!
Sh*t yeah
Tasty burger
One glass of Champag-na
More cowbell!!!
Hey yo check this out
Thats Hot
Baby Boo
You can't handle...(short)
Heeeerrrrees Johnny
Whatchoo talkin' about Willis
Diffrent Strokes Theme Song
White Ass (The Glimmer Man)
Show Me The Money
losers always whine
Goodfellas - Fuckos
Dick is on fire
Cost me
Fuck You
Don't waste my time
Going to pick a fight!!
Soft Corinthian Leather
Welcome to Fantasy Island !
Bad guy - Scarface
Failure - Apollo 13
Cry - A League of Their Own
Peppers - Forrest Gump
Rocks - Forrest Gump
Bad Man - Gone in Sixty Seconds
Gone - Usual Suspects
Trick - The Usual Suspects
Tense - The Usual Suspects
Dicks - Pulp Fiction
Worst place - Apocalypse Now
You stink
I Piss Excellence
Playa Hater
I'm rich bitch!
Really Coach?
good times
Hey Baby
Wait a minute - Butthead
ohhh baby come to Butthead
La Di Fricken Da
Shut your big Yapper!
Jack Squat
Do NOT go in there!
Ass you a few questions
Guy with rubber glove
We landed on the moon!
Alrighty then!
Like a glove
Clean pair of shorts
I'm kicking my ass
I win!
Do whatever you want
Boy you might be legally retarded
Brothers Gotta Hug
Let me tel you why I suck
Dadda Dee Dabba Loo
Hello, Hello, Hello
I'd knock your brains out
Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk
I'm trying to think
Johhny Carson - Weird Stuff
I'm just a caveman
Pile of sassy
Cool Out !
Thats a great story
Get Laid - Caddyshack
Looks Good - Caddyshack
White woman
Badges 2
Whip out
That's how I roll
Bleep you up!
I love titties
Help me Oprah Winfrey
Say Hello To My Little Friend
You got nothin' on me
Most annoying sound in the world
The power of the dark side
I am your father
Chewbacca roar
I got a bad feeling about this
Evil Laugh
Hasta La Vista
Yeah Baby !
Do I make you Horney?
Blue you're my boy!
Yo Adrian I did it
It's on like Donkey Kong
I told you
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
Find sh*t
How many
Poor black child
Bring out your dead
Hear you nothing
Make my day
Frankly my dear...
Life is like a box of chocolate
Yippe Kayeh
Not in Kansas anymore
Theme Song
Using the whole fist?
Wussie yo
Dang it
It ain't over now
Deion Sanders
Jack shit
Hail king
Poopy Pants
Nice Beaver
Cows have come home
I gotta pee
My magic shoes
Run Forrest run
Funny to me
No idea!
Pissin everybody off!
Music when Jason is about to attack
Death Curse
It's Good To Be The King Rap
failure to communicate
Prepare for glory
Be a gangster
Ready for another beating
Dead meat
I'm really uncomfortable
The Pink Panther Theme Song
4 Seconds Is A Lifetime
Call the plays I call
Game Of Inches
Great power & responsibility
Say 'Hi' to your mom
What are you lookin' at
I'm your huckleberry
Thought you weren't my friend
Now I'm really angry
You fargon sneaky bastage
Your testicles and you
Dumber than a bag of hammers
Going differently
Mike Ditka - Bad Mood
Dennis Green - Crown Them
Jim Mora - Medley
Herm Edwards - Then Retire
Bill Callahan - Dumbest Team
Jon Gruden - Out of your mind
Jerry Burns - Vikings Untied Shoes
Rick Pintano - Larry Birds Not
Bobby Knight - a crock of bleep
Mike Ditka - Gutless Wonder
Mike Tyson - My back! My spine!
Allen Iverson - Practice! Practice!
Letterman - Top 10 referee excuses
Frank Caliendo as John Madden
Back to you Al!
Norm Van Brocklin - Coachable?
Halftime Speech - Secretly Recorded
My Critics
Kellen Winslow -Im a F'cking Soldier
Warren Sapp - Dont misquote him
Joe Namath - I Want To Kiss You
Mike Tyson - Fornicate
Keyshawn Johnson - Storms Off
Mike Tyson - Scumbag
Florida State Warchant
Michigan Fight Song
UCLA Fight Song
USC Fight Song
Wisconsin Hot Time
Holy Cow
Crowd is Wild
Suspenseful buildup
Green Onions
The banker is calling - phone
Big amount gone
Start Game
Pac man dies
Foot Steps 1
This is a giant c*ck
Saturday Night Beaver
Oh hello
Hurt my Feelings
If you have to ask
Behaving like a child
all that attention
Be a man
I've made you famous
Getting on my nerves
Picked the wrong person
Finish the fucking story!
What the hell...
Don't jive me - Shaft
Sucka - Black Godfather
No Charge - Sweet Sweetbacks
Can you dig it ? - Sweet Sweetbacks

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Boards form Drayton Hogarth
Soundboard filled w/ movies comedy sports and other things that I use for NDL Radio and More than the Score online radio show. I hope to add more to this soundboard, and am looking forward to using it on my shows.
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