Flintstones Sounds
The Flintstones is one of the most successful sitcoms ever. Inspired by the 1950s live-action sitcom The Honeymooners, The Flintstones is about a working class Stone Age Man's life with his family and his next door neighbor and best friend.
by Emanuel Enea - 25 tracks
Flintstone theme music
Fred: Hey Wilma I'm home!
Fred Wilma
Just throw money
Wilma: What's wrong with you
Betty laughing
Dino barking
BamBam - bam,bam...
Fred getting off work
Hey Barney Let's go, pal
Bless you
Big deal
Charge it
For every solution
Get some sleep
How dare you
No woman
Like my mother-in-law
Make your hobby hubby
Ooooohhh that man
Throw a net
This is too much
Very sorry
Very sure

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The Flintstones is one of the most successful sitcoms ever. Inspired by the 1950s live-action sitcom The Honeymooners, The Flintstones is about a working class Stone Age Man's life with his family and his next door neighbor and best friend.
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