The Goofy Gophers
Sound clips of the very polite but screwball gophers who first appeared with Bugs Bunny in the animated Looney Tunes cartoon Goofy Gophers 1947. Their catchphrase is No, after you! When the gophers appeared on The Bug Bunny Show, they were nicknamed Mac & Tosh.
by Penny Modesto - 16 tracks
After you
Get me out of here
Confiscated all our vegetables
Be a little more careful
Terrible time
Come back here
Hard to decide
How stupid of me
Intelligent suggestion
It was very confining
Little girl
Pardon me
Turkey dinner
Veritable paradise
Yes indeed
You're quite welcome

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Sound clips of the very polite but screwball gophers who first appeared with Bugs Bunny in the animated Looney Tunes cartoon Goofy Gophers 1947. Their catchphrase is No, after you! When the gophers appeared on The Bug Bunny Show, they were nicknamed Mac & Tosh.
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