The Tea Party Soundboard
The Tea Party movement is now more popular than either major party, and it may become a major force in American politics. The movement, in its essence, is about safeguarding individual liberty, cutting taxes, and ending bailouts for business while the American taxpayer gets burdened with more public debt.
by Eve Dy - 13 tracks
The Tea Party
Tom Tancredo spoke
Meet people
Never been afraid
Anger is not a good reason
Background of Tea Party Movement
Brown rising star
Pick up badges
Rally with people
Support convention delegates
Support Scott Brown
Welcome to The Tea Party
Tea Party Anthem by Lloyd Marcus
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Boards form Eve Dy
The Tea Party movement is now more popular than either major party, and it may become a major force in American politics. The movement, in its essence, is about safeguarding individual liberty, cutting taxes, and ending bailouts for business while the American taxpayer gets burdened with more public debt.
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