by Emanuel Enea - 29 tracks Full Board $4.99
Bengal tiger
Tiger sound
Tiger growl
Tiger cub
Tiger roar
Tiger sound clip
Tiger Growl Attack
Tiger snarl
Tiger growling
Roaring Tiger
Tiger hunting
Tiger growl
Bengal tiger roars
Tiger roar snarl
Tiger growl snarl
Tiger growl snarl
Tiger Growl Hollow 1
Tiger Growl Hollow 2
Tiger Growls Attack
Tiger roar growling
Tiger sound clip
Tiger Roar sound
Tiger growling snarls
Tiger furious roars
Tiger Angry Roars

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Boards form Emanuel Enea
Tigers are easily recognizable by their stripes and their tawny fur color, which may range from yellow to orange (the white tiger is one notable exception)and they are predatory carnivores.
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