Tobias Funke - Arrested Development
Closet homsexual and nevernude Tobias Funke was played masturfully by David Cross. Tobias sound clips are here including his many delusionary flights of fancy through the blue man group backup to being the first licensed analrapist to the Teomicil lovefest to his hairplug debacle and the list goes on... Long live Tobias and Arrested Development !
by Jason Booth - 26 tracks
I just Blue myself
Ill be your wingman
Blue myself early
Shot my wad
Butterscotch want a lick ?
Selfish Country
Tell that to my agent
New Teamocil
Cirque Buffoonery
Fire Sale
Put in a plug for
get my facial
Hide My Thunder
Hide of an Elephant
New hire
Tobias dishes some therapy
Blue Myself
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
I will suck it up
Thought it was a pool toy
Tobias Dozens
You can zing your arrow
Tobias Funke Analrapist M.D.
I want to be an actor

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Boards form Jason Booth
Closet homsexual and nevernude Tobias Funke was played masturfully by David Cross. Tobias sound clips are here including his many delusionary flights of fancy through the blue man group backup to being the first licensed analrapist to the Teomicil lovefest to his hairplug debacle and the list goes on... Long live Tobias and Arrested Development !
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