by Penny Modesto - 30 tracks
Let us begin
Father of light
We greet you in peace
Discontinue discontinue
Dramatic change
Information to follow
Innitials MJF
Is that known to you
Is that understood
Long greeting
Negative aspects
No authorization
Noise 1
Noise 2
Noise 3
Noise 4
Nothing further to say
On behalf of Korton
Ready to transmit
Some problems with weather
Stand by
That is correct
The planet Jupiter
This is Addy
This is Central Control
This is the voice of
Time period
We would rather that
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Boards form Penny Modesto
There are plenty of predictions floating around about the future that cults can play against from personal misfortune all the way to 'end of the world' scenarios. You've probably heard them all by now.
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