VietMan Soundboard
The language most widely spoken in Vietnam and by Vietnamese around the world is simply Vietnamese or Tieng Viet. But is is said that English is fairly extensively spoken among young Vietnamese in Saigon. English is by far the most popular second language in Vietnam. Listen to this funny Vietman! Adult Language
by Penny Modesto - 41 tracks
Ok speak Vietnamese
Who this
What ur name
Whats first name
Whats last name
My name is Michael
Can u spell ur name
Can u spell ur name for me
How u spell
Can u spell ur name
I don't say madafack
I don't speak english
I don't understand
R u in a jail
R u police
R u speak english
R u Vietnamese or Chinese
This not police
This officer department
This police department
U call the police
U in a jail now
Viet 1
Viet 2
Viet 3
Viet 4
Viet 5
Viet 6
Viet 7
Viet 8
What ur name
What you looking for
Whats first name
Whats last name
Why u what ur name

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Boards form Penny Modesto
The language most widely spoken in Vietnam and by Vietnamese around the world is simply Vietnamese or Tieng Viet. But is is said that English is fairly extensively spoken among young Vietnamese in Saigon. English is by far the most popular second language in Vietnam. Listen to this funny Vietman! Adult Language
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