World War II Audio clips
The modern world is still living with the consequences of World War 2, the most titanic conflict in history. Six long and bloody years of total war, fought over many thousand of square kilometers followed. Here are some fascinating insights into the most devastating war in current world history. Perhaps you'll find this both helpful and interesting
by Penny Modesto - 17 tracks Full Board $4.99
Nazi Germany's surrender
Princess Elizabeth's message
Winston Churchill - Their finest hour
Vera Lynn - We'll meet again
Run rabbit run
Lancaster crew
Lancaster takes off
London during raid
Winston Churchill - The few
Monty rallies troops
Normandy on D-Day
RAF operational briefing
Sea convoy bombed
Siren All Clear
Spitfires take off
Vera Lynn - White cliffs of Dover
VJ Day celebration

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Boards form Penny Modesto
The modern world is still living with the consequences of World War 2, the most titanic conflict in history. Six long and bloody years of total war, fought over many thousand of square kilometers followed. Here are some fascinating insights into the most devastating war in current world history. Perhaps you'll find this both helpful and interesting
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