
I created this board as a way to use the Darkest Dungeon voicelines to offer a more cinematic feel to my table top games, if anyone else uses this, then i hope you enjoy!

Category: Games   Tracks: 18   Views: 1996  

by Sebastian Zicari - 18 tracks
Hero Death 4
Necron Kill 1
Hero Death 3
Hero Death 2
Hero Death 1
Kill 6
Kill 5
Kill 4 (A Singular Strike)
Kill 3 (Press This Advantage)
Kill 2 (Mortality)
Combat Win Imperial 1
Kill Imperial/Chaos 1
Kill 1 (Impressive)
Space Marines
Adeptus Mechanicus
Boards form Sebastian Zicari
Sebastian Zicari

I created this board as a way to use the Darkest Dungeon voicelines to offer a more cinematic feel to my table top games, if anyone else uses this, then i hope you enjoy!

Sebastian Zicari

Im making this to have a soundboard to make my 40k games more immersive using darkest dungeon voicelines as a announcer

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