Will Ferrell as Harry Caray (Science show)
A SNL skit with Will Ferrell as the late Chicago Cubs broadcaster Harry Caray doing a gig as a TV science program host. Why would a goofy baseball announcer be hosting a TV science program? Short clips at end perfect for calls.
by Jason Booth - 42 tracks
Hi everybody Harry Carray here
Harry Caray Space Show - Full 4 minutes
Would you eat the moon
Hey 2
I have friends that call me whiskers
Call me Whiskers
Im curious like a cat
How about this Mad Cow Disease
It was here then went away
I hope I never get it
I hope not
Hey if you had a choice
I was worried youd choose mad cow
I guess Im just a worrier
I would Id have seconds
Theyve discoverd moons on Jupiter
Whats your favorite planet
Mines the sun
When it burns out were all gonna die
If you stare it will burn your eyes
Have you ever seen an eclipse
I starred at the sun with binoculars.
Its the king of planets
Harry Caray
Say yes
My friends call me whiskers
thats something else
Albert Einstein
hes a good kid
Would you eat the moon if were ribs
its a simple question
Its not rocket science
Good point
Would you
Polish it off with a beer
Your thoughts
Dr Ken Wallard
Weve shared a few laughs
Well its been a pleasure
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Boards form Jason Booth
A SNL skit with Will Ferrell as the late Chicago Cubs broadcaster Harry Caray doing a gig as a TV science program host. Why would a goofy baseball announcer be hosting a TV science program? Short clips at end perfect for calls.
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