by Butters Scoth - 71 tracks
Stop, stop, and get real
You're the expert break it down for us
You see what I'm saying?
YOU know things are getting worse theres corruption in place
You gotta hand it to them
Yes SIR!
What'd you have to say?
What do you think of Ron Paul
We have to be able to recognize evil and deal with it
We gotta beat the NWO before they start WWIII
This is getting me really really mad
They're running the show, spiking your water
These people are hardcore savage off the hook
Then you had people say mercury is bad
The point is everything you've been taught is a lie
The mercurys in there but it's good for you
The banks set up the terror attacks
That's the problem with government it's all bad
Thank you sorry to interrupt you
Stop caring what people think
Stop buying into the evil
Sorry to interrupt you
So it's that simple
Oh but you're not gonna wanna hear about that
NYT Poll 84 percent Americans think 911 inside job
Not everybody's nice rant
North Korea, The Americas, The Mulahs whatever
Mercury in the vaccines
Let's talk about this long rant
Let me stop you and answer that question
Let me just make a point then give you the floor
Let me ask you this question
I've HAD IT!
It's so increadible they ran those attacks
In the 70's they said it was bacteria NO IT'S THE VACCINES
I'm sorry I'm outta control
I'm sorry I'm gonna shut up go ahead and make your point
I wish you'd wake up and stop being evil
I remember vaccines 6 year ago
I mean they are wild men
I mean that is voul
I know I'm not perfect but I'm doing the best job I can
I don't blame the public not wanting to believe it
I can't let you long rant
I appreciate your call
How do you see this unfolding
Government, smart bomb, kids dieing long rant
Go ahead your uh your points
Globalists are gonna keep winning we have to look at the big picture
Give us your take on uh 911
Does that make sense
Chris Jones
Barack Obama bad man, David Rockerfeller bad man, George W Bush Bad man
Barack Obama bad man, David Rockerfeller bad man, George W Bush Bad man FULL RANT
And I'm not complaining
And get real
You see what I'm saying
The banks set up the terror attacks
Thank you sorry to interrupt you
Sorry to interrupt you
Let me just make a point then give you the floor
It's so increadible they ran those attacks
I don't blame the public not wanting to believe it
Alex Jones
Alex Jones Yes
This is getting me really really mad

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