by Misty Klinefelter - 24 tracks
Go to college as virgins
Stifler's parties
Sounds like a lot of work
Tell her you love her
I don't get drunk and barf
Sexual destiny
Post prom party
My turn to see you
All women's channel
Screw it up
Stand by and watch history
Bat boy
Call me Oz if you want
Dump at school
Hate sex
I'm articulate
It's your birthday
Like a fine wine
No idea
Not best way
Object if I said
Shit head
Third base

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Boards form Misty Klinefelter
American Pie sound clips from the popular original American Pie movie. Featuring sound clips from Stifler, Jim, Finch, Michelle, and Oz in sound clips from some of the wildest scenes of American Pie.
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