by Justin B - 59 tracks
What's up
What's up 2
Today aint your day
To get some pants
I was gonna steal em
Cause I aint got no money!
You don't give me the money you got
I was at a Christmas party
Eating cake and whatnot
Better not have no brother
Better not have no lil brother
You got some siblings and I don't like it!
Chicken sandwich and some waffle fries FOR FREE!
Got hungry, fixed me a sandwich
Made with mayonaise
I ate my sandwich
I wanna meet them
Make them make me sandwiches all night
Eating popcorn and watching movies
Whatcha all watchin
Get that bull off the TV!
Turn that off RIGHT NOW!
What dat smell like
Let's go smoke
Smoked a bag of meth
Then smoked a lil crack after
Startin to get on my nerves
Smell funny? That's just my BO!
That's just my BO
Startin to piss me off
Pissin me off
Pissin me off 2
I'm pissed off a lil bit
No, excuse me
No one asked that
Don't make me ask you again
Of course not
You better wait for my request
If you sass me one more time
Slapped so fast
What sport you play?
Why are all these people out here?
You aint no nerd?
Can I spend the night tonight & 4 2 weeks straight
What now
What's the deal
Hold on
I guess
That's a mistake
It aint enough!
I don't CARE!
He had a letterman; high school; pissin me off!
I'm bout to call Bovice

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Boards form Justin B
Some funny soundbytes from the Unforgivable series by HodgeStansson.
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