Black Guy

Good board to use to answer the phone with.

Category: Prank Calls   Tracks: 21   Views: 128041  

by Roger Jenkins - 21 tracks    Full Board $4.99
don't fuck with me
give me a destination
i aint no fuckin jew
i'm a black man
meet me somewhere 2
meet me somewhere 3
meet me somewhere 1
i'm goin get off the line
what da fuck you talkin about?
they won't be able to regognize your bitch ass
who are you
who the fuck are you
who the fuck is your bitch ass
who's speaking 2
who's speaking 1
you don't even know me
you don't know me
you sound like you about 4'3
tell me where you wanna meet
you wanna talk shit on the phone
i'll fuck your punk ass mama
Boards form Roger Jenkins
Roger Jenkins

Good board to use to answer the phone with.

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