
Category: My Music   Tracks: 85   Views: 1336  

by Lu Crow - 85 tracks
Bohemian Rhapsody - Red
Oh My god they Killed Kenny
Whens it gonna end
Stop talking to my wife
Kick me in the fkn head
Let me ask you a question
Why I have to be sad clown?
You outta your tree?
I dont wanna talk to you
Dysfuntion this dysfunction that
Feel exhausted just talkin
No room for the penal experience
Here comes the Prozac
If you and I got together
I'm sad
Lemme tell you something
Teach your mother
No values
It's just a trip
I agree
Here we go
Sweetie Pie
So what are you saying?
You read the papers?
I put the Grrr in Swinger
Hot Cup Of...
Your balls are showing
Oiled up nicely
Naughty Parts
Extra Special
Could it be Satan ?!!
Demonic Urges
Snif butt
Hump leg
Am I here
What a creep
Fair enough
Short answer
The Family
Don't know what your saying - mother
I don't like that talk - Mother
The future holds
Expensive piece
Going to hell
Leave town
Better if I never open my mouth - Mom
You oughta be ashamed- Mom
Pull Me back in impression
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
Somebodies Talkin to much
Oh Yeah - Tony
Why would I trust
What you gonna do - Tony
Smart Alecky - Tony
Absolutely Dreadful
Got a crush
Here we go
Like a man
Not gonna lie
My breasts are really strong
Oh no
Ok, now I'm gonna kick some ass
Ah no, my worst nightmare
Believe me, I know
Crank it, spank it
Done, sold, Bob's your uncle
Hold your calls America
So close, yet such a nerd
Sock down my pants
You pasty freak
Complicate Everything
Good cat
All my fault
So excited